Saturday, November 7, 2009

Michael Brossard Brand Builder

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Windows Live Hotmail

Windows Live Hotmail: "Brand building is essential for its survival. Today's fragmentation and the exponential number of new products launched every year requires a strong and connected brand with consumers. Trust, familiarity drive brand equity as the latest annual Interbrand report on the best global brands: ideas like trust, loyalty, familiarity and innovation matter more -- not less -- in an economic brown-out.

Bernard Asselin
VP Marketing and Reader Sales and Service
The Gazette
Montreal, Quebec"

Michael Brossard Brand Builder: Build YOUR Brand

Michael Brossard Brand Builder: Build YOUR Brand

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Build YOUR Brand

All organizations, causes and people are brands and need a strategic road map in order to build their brand. I offer a unique way to accomplish and monitor this important task. Open to comments on this.